

Hey there, my name is Sheila, I’m 17 years old, and I’m going to change the world.

I kept this quote on my bulletin board for the longest time:

"The good news is one person has what it takes to change the world. The bad news is that you haven't realized that it's you.” – Anonymous

I thought it was so incredibly thought provoking and I loved it. I never realized, though, that it could possibly be talking about me. But now I do. 

How do I know? Well, one day, June 1st, 2012 I came home from school after the longest week of my life - the week where I figured out how cruel the world can really be. Crying in the rain usually doesn't accomplish much, which is why I am ashamed to admit to it, however, there's just something about cool raindrops sliding down your skin and mixing with your salty tears that’s comforting. I was thinking about everything that had gone wrong that week, all of which derived from the hatred in today's society.  I guess I was just wishing that there was something I could do to make the world a better place, when my old quote appeared in my head. It hit me. I could do something. Then, I went inside to dry off and start my mission: To change the world. 

Don't laugh. Don't say that I'm just a teenager and I can't do anything. Because you're wrong. I can do something. So can you. 

This blog will follow my journey to change the world as well as include posts about how you can help change the world yourself. I hope my story will inspire you to do something beautiful as well <3 I do my best to update every Tuesday but sometimes that's not always possible, so I'm sorry in advance for those days!


  1. Sheila, I just want to let you know that you have been such an inspiration. I love reading your blogs and you have not only a talent for inspiring and lifting people up when they are down but for writing as well. You are going to change the world one day, in fact, you already have changed the world. Congratulations on being amazing and never stop believing.

  2. You don't need to reach a certain number of acts of kindness per week. You don't have to "try" to be kind, you emanate kindness through your entire being and soul. You probably end up with more than 50 anyways.... you most likely don't even realize some of the kind things you do; it's just automatic, second nature. Plus every kind act is perpetuated into an infinite ripple effect, affecting more people than one individual could possibly conceive. Kindness is a concept that simply can't be measured. Don't beat yourself up if you can't hit 50 every week. However, like I mentioned earlier, chances are you go beyond 50 but you just don't realize it.
    Stay inspirational beautiful <3

    1. I suppose you're right :) thanks for bringing that up, and your comment just made my day!

  3. Hi I really like your blog but you haven't posted anything in a while. Are you still bloging or have you switched to a different site???

    1. Hey there! Yeah, I want to apologize about that - I really haven't been doing anything worth posting about lately. I guess it's been a hard transition for me - going from high school to college. And I'm having a hard time, well, living, I guess. I'm trying to figure out how to be me again though, and that includes blogging. So yeah, I'm going to start up again. Thanks for your comment though, I really appreciate it. It gives me hope that maybe this is something that I should continue to be doing.
