So let’s say your friend
called you one night in tears, saying they were thinking about committing
Take a deep breath. The worst thing you can do
is panic. As scared as you may be, they are way more scared and you need to be
the strong one right now.
Realize the urgency of the situation without
becoming overwhelmed. Yes, a close friend or family member might not survive
the night, but they did come to you for help.
This means they still have hope.
Keep hope alive, and you keep your friend alive. It’s as simple as that.
Ask when and where they are going to kill themselves. This gives you an idea of the time range you
are dealing with and also lets your friend know that you are taking them
If they are planning on committing suicide that
night, drive to their house while talking on your cell phone.
Listen to them talk. Be sympathetic and supportive.
Keep them talking. (Think about it: Talking = alive) Talk until they calm down.
Don’t argue with them. Don’t make them angry and not want to listen
to you – or worse, hang up. Don’t tell them that they have so much to live for.
They’re not going to believe you. They’ve already thought this through and they
feel like no, they do not have that much to live for at all.
Don’t try to guilt them out of it by telling
them how much it would hurt their family and friends. Many suicidal people believe
their family and friends do not care at all.
Ask them what they are looking forward to next
week, next month, next year, next 10 years.
Ask them about their goals, their bucket-lists. Your goal here is to find them a reason to
live. If they cannot think of a reason, make it up. Decide that you two are going to do something
fun next week that you’ve never done before to give them something to look
forward to.
Don’t hang up the phone without making them
promise to go right to sleep.
Right after hanging up the phone, tell an adult
what happened.
So there you go: how to talk someone out of suicide in 10
steps. The key is keeping hope alive. Hope is the last thing to go and when all
hope is lost, life follows suit. The fact that they told you they were considering
suicide as an option actually means that you are halfway there: You don’t have
to give them hope because they already have a little left. You just have to
keep the flame alive.
Okay, so on a completely unrelated topic, I have big news: I
might become visible soon. I’ve made a really great friend over email recently and
he’s basically convinced me to take my goal of changing the world a step
further: by presenting my project in front of my school. In my presentation I
will explain what I do to change the world and inspire others to do the same. I've emailed my school principle with this propasal and I am excited to hear her reply. Though
I’m quite comfortable being the center of attention, I can’t help but think why
on earth I would pour my heart out to my whole high school chancing utter embarrassment
and public humiliation. But I know I cannot live my life like that. I would do anything to make this world a better
place. If it means telling my story to
my high school, so be it. Got Fear? Bring it on. Because fear stops meaning so
much when you’re twice as determined.
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